2024 Team Alberta Coaching Applications - Now Open

Sep. 18, 2023

Alberta Basketball is accepting coaching applications for the 2024 Provincial Teams for the 15U and 17U Boys and Girls teams. Applications will be accepted until Sunday, October 1st, 2023.

Teams will be competing at the Canada Basketball Nationals in Ontario (Boys) and Newfoundland (Girls).

Alberta Basketball endeavors to provide safe, fair, inclusive, equitable and welcoming environments for participation. 
All should feel welcome, safe and valued on and around the court.  
Alberta Basketball strongly encourages coaches from all backgrounds, family situations, regions of the province and experience levels to apply.  ABA is willing to work with schedules and locations for team training to accommodate specific needs that may help a coach to be a part of the program.

Please note the following requirements for each position as outlined by Canada Basketball.  Provinces are fined by Canada Basketball for including coaches that do not meet the standards listed below in the national tournament. All NCCP requirements do not have to be met at time of application but in applying for a coaching position you will have to demonstrate a plan during the interview process to complete any missing requirements prior to July 1st, 2024.

  • 15U Head Coach - Boys and Girls - Train to Train Certified, 2023-24 ABA Member, Police Information Check
  • 15U Assistant Coaches (2 per team) - Boys and Girls - Train to Train Certified, 2023-24 ABA Member, Police Information Check
  • 17U Head Coach - Boys and Girls - Train to Compete (In training** to Certified), 2023-24 ABA Member, Police Information Check
  • 17U Assistant Coaches (2 per team) - Boys and Girls - Train to Train Certified (Train to Compete Trained preferred), 2022-23 ABA Member, Police Information Check

APPRENTICE COACHES - ABA will add a 4th member to each coaching staff that will serve in an apprentice role. This position is ideal for coaches looking to get involved with Team Alberta and develop with mentorship from the other coaches on the staff.  This position does not travel with the teams to nationals but is involved in all other aspects of the program. It is an unpaid position. Any and all expenses incurred are solely your responsibility as the apprentice coach and will not be covered by ABA.
Potential Provincial Team training periods:
  • Tryouts
    • Open: Early to mid January
    • Assessment: Mid to late January
    • Final Selection: Mid/Late April to Early Mary
  • Training
    • June Training weekend: June 14 - 16th or June 21 - 23rd
    • Week 1: July 21st - July 27th
    • Week 2:July 28th - August 3rd
  • Competition: August 5th - 10th Canada Basketball Nationals
    • Girls: Newfoundland
    • Boys: Ontario
* ABA Membership and background check should be complete at the time of application. You must upload your Police Information Check when you complete your ABA Membership through our RAMP registration system.

**Requirements can vary depending on certain factors that will be discussed in the interview process


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